My Vision and Inspiration
My older brother is one of my heroes and is my inspiration. As a coach himself, he kept urging me to become one too. Here is his vision that explains the goal of coaching:
“On the occasion of receiving the President's Award in the leader-coach category:
My vision is very simple: I see that when we begin to unlock the power in people, by believing in them, supporting them, challenging them and leading them, they begin to blossom. Their lives change course forever.
They start to do things they never thought they could do. Then they do even more amazing things and start to think of this as normal. Before long the led become the leaders, and the students become the masters.
When we connect that awesome human potential to a great purpose, a kind of silent detonation occurs. Ideas get bigger, then enormous. Courage finds a cause to champion. Cynicism and mediocrity get swept aside by vision, courage, hope, and determination. Leaders become servants of a dream.
When we envelop the intersection of human potential and purpose in a field of community, magic happens. Love happens. The universe smiles.”
David A. Balser - Manager, Corporate Environment
B.C. Hydro
May 2001
“ Anne’s skill at Life Coaching is powerfully intuitive. She reads the needs of her clients well and communicates in a caring and easy to understand manner. Her use of explorative exercises brought my attention to where my soul wanted to focus. This helped me to turn my attention to my career direction to one area rather than spreading my self thin over three different areas. Her use of questioning and inquiring about my career focus was the icing on the cake to bring out the specifics needed to create results. I highly recommend Anne for you to get the results and focus you want on your career.